طريقة عمل سينابون بكل سهولة ليكفي 6 أفراد وبمكونات بسيطة ،طعمها رائع ومذاقها لا يقاوم ، ولابد ان كل من قام بزيارة الشام قد تذوقها و ووقع في حب ذلك طبق الشهي ، طريقة تحضير سينابون سهل مع بعض الاتقان، واليكم طريقة تحضيرها .


Cinnabon is one of the most popular cinnamon roll brands in the world. Founded in 1985, Cinnabon has become known for its delicious cinnamon rolls, which are made with fresh ingredients and baked to perfection. But how does Cinnabon actually work? In this article, we’ll take a look at how Cinnabon makes its cinnamon rolls, from the dough to the frosting. We’ll also learn about some of the company’s history and how it has become one of the most beloved cinnamon roll brands in the world.