تعتبر عجّة بياض البيض بنكهة آسيوية.. صديقة للجميع، كباراً وصغاراً يحبون البيض بجميع أشكاله، جربي هذه الوصفة وما بداخلها من قيم غذائية عالية، وأمتعيهم بوصفتك الجديدة المبتكرة


If you want to add an Asian flavor to your omelette, here are a few tips. First, use a wok or pan that has been seasoned with oil. This will help to create a crispy outer layer. Second, add some ginger and garlic to the egg mixture. Third, use soy sauce or fish sauce instead of salt to season the omelette. Finally, add some green onions, cilantro, and/or diced chili peppers for extra flavor. I hope you enjoyed this recipe! If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below.