طريقة عمل سلمون مشوي للرجيم
سلمون مشوي للرجيم .. تعتبر المأكولات البحرية والأسماك من الأكلات المهمة أثناء اتباعك للرجيم، حضرنا لك وصفة سهلة التحضير وشهية، وقليلة السعرات الحرارية، سلمون مشوي للرجيم.. حضريه وتمتعي بوجبة صحية ولذيذة
Item | Price |
90 Pound |
Clams Soup
40 Pound |
Molokhia with Shrimp
30 Pound |
Item | Price |
Green Salad
15 Pound |
10 Pound |
15 Pound |
Baba Ghanoug
10 Pound |
Garlic dip
15 Pound |
Item | Price |
60 Pound |
Grilled with Oil & Lemon
60 Pound |
Grilled with Rada
60 Pound |
Singari Grilled
60 Pound |
Tray with Potato and White Sauce
60 Pound |
Seafood Singari Grilled
60 Pound |
Tray with Potato and Red Sauce
60 Pound |
Item | Price |
Grilled with Rada
110 Pound |
Grilled with Oil & Lemon
110 Pound |
Singari Grilled
110 Pound |
Seafood Singari Grilled
110 Pound |
Tray with Potato and White Sauce
110 Pound |
Tray with Potato and Red Sauce
110 Pound |
Item | Price |
200 Pound |
Grilled with Rada
190 Pound |
Seafood Singari
225 Pound |
Oil & Lemon
190 Pound |
190 Pound |
190 Pound |
Tray with Potatoes
210 Pound |
Item | Price |
190 Pound |
190 Pound |
Item | Price |
210 Pound |
Grilled with Butter
210 Pound |
Item | Price |
Singari Grilled
145 Pound |
Fried Slices
145 Pound |
Seafood Singari
170 Pound |
Tray with Potatoes
170 Pound |
Item | Price |
210 Pound |
Item | Price |
Fried Slices
145 Pound |
Charcoal Grilled
145 Pound |
Sayadia with Potatoes
190 Pound |
Item | Price |
Grilled with Butter
190 Pound |
Grilled with Oil & Lemon
190 Pound |
Fried with Vinegar & Garlic
190 Pound |
Item | Price |
230 Pound |
230 Pound |
230 Pound |
Tagenمع البصل، الطماطم و الفلفل |
260 Pound |
Item | Price |
190 Pound |
190 Pound |
Charcoal Grilled
190 Pound |
Grilled with Khalta
190 Pound |
Item | Price |
Grilled with Rada
210 Pound |
Oil & Lemon
210 Pound |
Item | Price |
Large Shrimp
310 Pound |
Jumbo Shrimp
420 Pound |
Medium Shrimp
280 Pound |
Item | Price |
190 Pound |
190 Pound |
210 Pound |
Tagen with White Sauce
210 Pound |
Tagen with Red Sauce
210 Pound |
Item | Price |
Fried Shrimp
25 Pound |
Fried Fillet
20 Pound |
Fried Squid
25 Pound |
Grilled Shrimp
30 Pound |
Grilled Fillet
30 Pound |
Grilled Fillet
35 Pound |
Item | Price |
Sayadia Rice
25 Pound |
Rice with Shrimp
40 Pound |
Rice with Squid
40 Pound |
Rice with Fillet
35 Pound |
Seafood Rice
55 Pound |
Seafood Pasta with White Sauce
55 Pound |
Seafood Pasta with Red Sauce
55 Pound |
Item | Price |
Fried Tilapiaارز، سلطة و خبز |
70 Pound |
Grilled Tilapiaارز، سلطة و خبز |
70 Pound |
Fried Grey Mulletارز، سلطة و خبز |
90 Pound |
Grilled Grey Mulletارز، سلطة و خبز |
90 Pound |
Grilled Filletارز، سلطة و خبز |
60 Pound |
Grilled Squidارز، سلطة و خبز |
70 Pound |
Fried Filletارز، سلطة و خبز |
60 Pound |
Fried Squidارز، سلطة و خبز |
70 Pound |
Molokhiaأرز، سلطة، خبز |
45 Pound |
Rice with Shrimp and Fillet
45 Pound |
Rice with Shrimp, Fillet and Squid
55 Pound |
Soup with Shrimp Rice
70 Pound |
Soup with 2 Shrimp Sandwiches
70 Pound |
Grilled Shrimpأرز، سلطة، خبز |
80 Pound |
Fried Shrimpأرز، سلطة، خبز |
80 Pound |
Item | Price |
10 Pound |
10 Pound |
Mirinda Apple
10 Pound |
Mirinda Orange
10 Pound |