Restaurant Tiko's Fried Chicken and More

Tiko's Fried Chicken and More

Chose Branch
  • Chose Branch
  • (Delivery Only) Rehana Plaza Mall
  • 47 El Obour Golf City
  • Rehana Plaza Mall
  • Omar Ibn El-Khattab, Masaken Al Mohandesin , Tivoli Plaza
  • El Shorouk, next to the British University
El Shorouk, next to the British University - Get directions

About "مطعم Tiko's Fried Chicken and More"

(Delivery Only) Rehana Plaza Mall, فرع 47 El Obour Golf City, فرع Rehana Plaza Mall, فرع Omar Ibn El-Khattab, Masaken Al Mohandesin , Tivoli Plaza , فرع El Shorouk, next to the British University


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