طريقة عمل ساندوتش لحم مفروم بالجبنة والمشروم
ساندوتش لحم مفروم بالجبنة والمشروم وجبة سريعة ولذيذة تحضر سريعاً لا تحتاج كثيراً من الجهد عبارة عن خبز تورتيلا بحشوة من الجبن والمشروم وصلصة الصويا الشهية .
Item | Price |
Kilo Kunduz Kofta
80 Pound |
Kilo Lamb Kofta
120 Pound |
Kilo Lamb Tarb
130 Pound |
Kilo Mix Kebab
200 Pound |
Kilo Lamb Kebab
240 Pound |
1/4 Chicken Thigh
20 Pound |
1/4 Chicken Breast
25 Pound |
Kilo Liver and Qawanes
80 Pound |
1/2 Chicken Shish
40 Pound |
Chickem Shish
80 Pound |
Item | Price |
Mix Smen
20 Pound |
20 Pound |
20 Pound |
5 Pound |
Vermicelli Rice
7 Pound |
Kilo Mix Semen
80 Pound |
Kilo Liver Slices
100 Pound |
Fries Dish
10 Pound |
Item | Price |
Rice with Liver
10 Pound |
Rice with Kofta
10 Pound |
Rice with Sojouk
10 Pound |
Rice with Liver and Sojouk
12 Pound |
Rice with Liver, Kofta and Sojouk
15 Pound |
Plain Rice
7 Pound |
Rice with Panne
15 Pound |
Item | Price |
Plain Basmati Rice
10 Pound |
Basmati Rice with Liver
15 Pound |
Basmati Rice with Sojouk
15 Pound |
Basmati Rice with Panne
18 Pound |
Basmati Rice with Kofta
15 Pound |
Item | Price |
Spaghetti with Liver
10 Pound |
Spaghetti with Sojouk
10 Pound |
Spaghetti with Kofta
10 Pound |
Pasta with Oriental Sojouk
12 Pound |
Pasta with Liver
12 Pound |
Pasta with Liver and Sojouk
12 Pound |
Pasta with Liver, Sojouk and Kofta
15 Pound |
Pasta with Panne
15 Pound |
Plain Spaghetti
7 Pound |
Item | Price |
Alexandrian Liver
5 Pound |
Minced Sojouk
5 Pound |
Kofta Tray
5 Pound |
Liver Slices
5 Pound |
Oriental Sojouk
5 Pound |
6 Pound |
Charcoal Grilled Liver
10 Pound |
Charcoal Grilled Liver and Qawanes
10 Pound |
5 Pound |
Atyab Panne
5 Pound |
5 Pound |
Sausage with Cheese
8 Pound |
Sausage with Egg
8 Pound |
Mix Sausage
10 Pound |
Item | Price |
Special Hawawshi
15 Pound |
Grilled Hawawshi
5 Pound |
Charcoal Hawawshi
10 Pound |
Lamb Hawawshi
20 Pound |